With a brand new year, comes quite a few entirely new adventures for me. One of the most significant of which, is that I have officially moved to Fort Myers, Florida from my hometown of Bowling Green, Ohio. I have been coming here for about 8 years with Joe, and with my new career as a flight attendant, I am able to live pretty much anywhere I can commute in and out of for work. Some people take a bus to work, I take a plane.
Fort Myers, Florida is to me, what Maine Chance beauty spa was to Elizabeth Arden. It is a place of relaxation, swimming, and enjoying the beautiful environment, and of course the company of Joe. I always feel revived after returning to this sunny tropical escape of a place.
So far I have found the commute between my domicile airport base, Columbus, Ohio (CMH), and Fort Myers, Florida (RSW) pretty easy to manage. I am thankful for Southwest and Spirit airlines, which keep a reliable flow of movement between the two cities. I am able to get a seat as a stand-by, non-revenue passenger without a sweat, and for that I am very thankful. The area where I live is called Gateway, and it is a convenient 10 minute drive to the airport.
After having lived in Ohio most of my life, this is a drastic lifestyle change for me, but I look forward to exploring sunny South Florida, and I expect I will be doing some reviews of this delightful travel destination I call “home” now.