There are many days I have to get up before 4am to get ready for work. Much of the time I am exhausted at this hour and want the most simple routine possible. An “O’dark thirty” show time used to mean putting my hair in a ponytail. While that is an acceptable option, it is rather boring. Then I discovered what has become my absolute favorite hair accessory, the snood barrette. This hair style is so ridiculously easy that is seems funny to explain it. But since the result of this look is so polished and elegant I want other ladies to know about it. You see, all you do is put your hair in a simple ponytail, clip this barrette above the ponytail, and tuck the ponytail into the bag. Can it be any easier?

Another reason I am fond of the snood is because it is a rather vintage look, yet modern with this particular barrette. I especially think about feminine, elegant women in the 1940’s when I think of snoods. There is an excellent post on The Bobby Pin Blog showing 28 pictures of ladies wearing snoods. After seeing them you will understand why I think wearing a snood is rather fabulous.

I purchased this exact snood on Amazon for $14, sold here. I may get a tiny commission from this link, but I am only really sharing it, as I truly love this. Obviously this is a great look for any time of day, and not just for flight attendants. The silk hair snood barrette is perfect for a formal occasion look, and because of how user-friendly it is to wear. This easy barrette is especially suited for those who are not the best at doing their hair up. It comes in black and brown as well. I have been very happy with the navy, and I am impressed with the high quality hair clip which is far more durable and sturdy than I would have expected. I get so many compliments on it when I wear it. What do you think, would you wear a snood?
Similar Earrings to mine (mine are vintage)

Dress I am wearing – Lands End (tailored by me)